What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing isn't really the best name to describe what it is.
Hypnobirthing is a full birth education and preparation course, and is actually really logical,
practical and evidence- based. It is not hippy-ish as the name might suggest!
The 'hypno' does come from the hypnotherapy techniques we use, to replace the ingrained narrative of childbirth we have, but the process is completely safe and natural, and involves no mind control or manipulation whatsoever- it's very similar to being in meditation or a deep relaxation.
The rest of the course is understanding the mind-body connection, your rights within the maternity system, and exactly what happens throughout the labour and birth process.
This course will supply you with tools and resources to accompany you through pregnancy and labour, and help feel really confident and well informed.
The beauty of hypnobirthing, is that the skills you'll learn are applicable in any birthing scenario, and will help you cope with the possibility of an alternative outcome, so you will never feel unprepared.
The education you'll receive will be really beneficial to relieving your anxieties, and help you go into the experience feeling calm, excited and really confident in yourself and your decisions.
My courses are ideal for EVERY birth- home birth, hospital birth, cesarean birth, triplet birth, your first baby or your seventh.
A common misconception is that the goal of hypnobirthing is to achieve a pain-free birth. This is not true, however some people do experience this and find hypnobirthing techniques reduce the pain they feel throughout the labour and birth process.
This course is perfect for dispelling the anxiety around childbirth, for first time parents, those hoping for a better birthing experience after a traumatic delivery, or just wanting to experience birth differently to how you might have previously.